
Showing posts from March, 2022

Who Chooses The Doctor For Workers' Compensation Injuries?

The short answer is: It depends on the state. In some states, the direction of care within workers' compensation is controlled by the employer or their insurance carrier, while in other states it is controlled by the injured worker. To complicate matters further, certain states offer a blend, whereby the control is divided between both the employer and the injured worker. Because each state is different, it can be very confusing for not just patients, but also doctors. The purpose of this post is to provide a state-by-state overview of the direction of care of work comp cases (and the implications for doctors) for each state. Alabama Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Alabama? For Workers' Compensation cases in Alabama, the Doctor is usually chosen by the employer or insurance carrier. Further information about Workers' Compensation in Alabama For further information about the Work Comp system in Alabama, the following links may be helpful: - The