Who Chooses The Doctor For Workers' Compensation Injuries?

Workers' Compensation - Who chooses the doctor?

The short answer is: It depends on the state. In some states, the direction of care within workers' compensation is controlled by the employer or their insurance carrier, while in other states it is controlled by the injured worker. To complicate matters further, certain states offer a blend, whereby the control is divided between both the employer and the injured worker.

Because each state is different, it can be very confusing for not just patients, but also doctors. The purpose of this post is to provide a state-by-state overview of the direction of care of work comp cases (and the implications for doctors) for each state.


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Alabama?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Alabama, the Doctor is usually chosen by the employer or insurance carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Alabama

For further information about the Work Comp system in Alabama, the following links may be helpful:

- The Alabama Workers' Compensation State Website - The Alabama Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Alabama


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Alaska?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Alaska, the Doctor is usually chosen by the injured worker.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Alaska

For further information about the Work Comp system in Alaska, the following links may be helpful:

- The Alaska Workers' Compensation State Website - The Alaska Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Alaska


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Arizona?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Arizona, the Doctor is usually chosen by the injured worker, except in the case of self-insured employers who can control direction of care.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Arizona

For further information about the Work Comp system in Arizona, the following links may be helpful:

- The Arizona Workers' Compensation State Website - The Arizona Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Arizona


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Arkansas?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Arkansas, the Doctor is usually chosen by the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Arkansas

For further information about the Work Comp system in Arkansas, the following links may be helpful:

- The Arkansas Workers' Compensation State Website - The Arkansas Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Arkansas


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in California?

For Workers' Compensation cases in California, the Doctor is usually chosen by the injured worker, BUT they must choose from a Doctor listed on their employer's Medical Provider Network (MPN).

Further information about Workers' Compensation in California

For further information about the Work Comp system in California, the following links may be helpful:

- The California Workers' Compensation State Website - The California Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in California


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Colorado?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Colorado, the Doctor is usually chosen by the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Colorado

For further information about the Work Comp system in Colorado, the following links may be helpful:

- The Colorado Workers' Compensation State Website - The Colorado Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Colorado


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Connecticut?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Connecticut, the Doctor for the initial treatment is chosen by the employer or carrier, but all subsequent doctors can be chosen by the injured worker.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Connecticut

For further information about the Work Comp system in Connecticut, the following links may be helpful:

- The Connecticut Workers' Compensation State Website - The Connecticut Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Connecticut


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Delaware?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Delaware, the Doctor for the initial treatment is chosen by the employer or carrier, but the injured worker may simultaneously see a separate doctor of their own choice.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Delaware

For further information about the Work Comp system in Delaware, the following links may be helpful:

- The Delaware Workers' Compensation State Website - The Delaware Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Delaware


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Florida?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Florida, the Doctor for is chosen by the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Florida

For further information about the Work Comp system in Florida, the following links may be helpful:

- The Florida Workers' Compensation State Website - The Florida Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Florida


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Georgia?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Georgia, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker, but their choice is restricted to one of six Doctors provided to them by their employer.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Georgia

For further information about the Work Comp system in Georgia, the following links may be helpful:

- The Georgia Workers' Compensation State Website - The Georgia Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Georgia


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Hawaii?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Hawaii, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Hawaii

For further information about the Work Comp system in Hawaii, the following links may be helpful:

- The Hawaii Workers' Compensation State Website - The Hawaii Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Hawaii


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Idaho?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Idaho, the Doctor is chosen by the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Idaho

For further information about the Work Comp system in Idaho, the following links may be helpful:

- The Idaho Workers' Compensation State Website - The idaho Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Idaho


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Illinois?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Illinois, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker, but if the employer has a Preferred Provider Network, then the injured worker must choose the doctor from this list.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Illinois

For further information about the Work Comp system in Illinois, the following links may be helpful:

- The Illinois Workers' Compensation State Website - The Illinois Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Illinois


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Indiana?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Illinois, the Doctor is chosen by the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Indiana

- The Indiana Workers' Compensation State Website - The Indiana Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Indiana


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Iowa?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Iowa, the Doctor is chosen by the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Iowa

For further information about the Work Comp system in Indiana, the following links may be helpful:

- The Iowa Workers' Compensation State Website - The Iowa Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Iowa


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Kansas?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Kansas, the Doctor is chosen by the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Kansas

For further information about the Work Comp system in Kansas, the following links may be helpful:

- The Kansas Workers' Compensation State Website - The Kansas Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Kansas


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Kentucky?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Kentucky, the Doctor is chosen by the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Kentucky

For further information about the Work Comp system in Kentucky, the following links may be helpful:

- The Kentucky Workers' Compensation State Website - The Kansas Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Kentucky


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Louisiana?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Louisiana, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Louisiana

For further information about the Work Comp system in Louisiana, the following links may be helpful:

- The Louisiana Workers' Compensation State Website - The Louisiana Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Louisiana


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Maine?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Maine, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker, however Doctors for the first 10 days of treatment are selected by the employer.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Maine

For further information about the Work Comp system in Maine, the following links may be helpful:

- The Maine Workers' Compensation State Website - The Maine Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Maine


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Maryland?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Maryland, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Maryland

For further information about the Work Comp system in Maryland, the following links may be helpful:

- The Maryland Workers' Compensation State Website - The Maryland Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Maryland


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Massachusetts?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Massachusetts, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Massachusetts

For further information about the Work Comp system in Massachusetts, the following links may be helpful:

- The Massachusetts Workers' Compensation State Website - The Massachusetts Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Massachusetts


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Michigan?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Michigan, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker, however for the first 28 days of treatment doctors are selected by the employer.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Michigan

For further information about the Work Comp system in Michigan, the following links may be helpful:

- The Michigan Workers' Compensation State Website - The Michigan Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Michigan


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Minnesota?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Minnesota, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker, but if the employer is part of a managed care plan, then the injured worker should select a doctor from this list, unless the doctor has previously treated the employee.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Minnesota

For further information about the Work Comp system in Minnesota, the following links may be helpful:

- The Minnesota Workers' Compensation State Website - The Minnesota Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Minnesota


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Mississippi?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Mississippi, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Mississippi

For further information about the Work Comp system in Mississippi, the following links may be helpful:

- The Mississippi Workers' Compensation State Website - The Mississippi Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Mississippi


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Missouri?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Missouri, the Doctor is chosen by the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Missouri

For further information about the Work Comp system in Missouri, the following links may be helpful:

- The Missouri Workers' Compensation State Website - The Mississippi Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Missouri


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Montana?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Montana the Doctor is chosen by the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Montana

For further information about the Work Comp system in Montana, the following links may be helpful:

- The Montana Workers' Compensation State Website - The Montana Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Montana


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Nebraska?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Nebraska, the Doctor is chosen by the employer or carrier, however injured workers are entitled to choose their own doctor who has previously treated them or their family.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Nebraska

- The Nebraska Workers' Compensation State Website - The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Nebraska


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Nevada?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Nevada, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker, but they must choose from a list of doctors who have been certified by the state.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Nevada

For further information about the Work Comp system in Nebraska, the following links may be helpful:

- The Nevada Workers' Compensation State Website - The Nevada Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Nevada

New Hampshire

Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in New Hampshire?

For Workers' Compensation cases in New Hampshire, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker, but if their employer has a managed care plan, then they must choose a doctor from the plan.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in New Hampshire.

For further information about the Work Comp system in New Hampshire, the following links may be helpful:

- The New Hampshire Workers' Compensation State Website - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in New Hampshire

New Jersey

Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in New Jersey?

For Workers' Compensation cases in New Jersey, the Doctor is chosen by the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in New Jersey.

For further information about the Work Comp system in New Jersey, the following links may be helpful:

- The New Jersey Workers' Compensation State Website - The New Jersey Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule (There is no fee schedule) - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in New Jersey

New Mexico

Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in New Mexico?

For Workers' Compensation cases in New Mexico, the Doctor is chosen by the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in New Mexico.

For further information about the Work Comp system in New Mexico, the following links may be helpful:

- The New Mexico Workers' Compensation State Website The New Mexico Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in New Mexico

New York

Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in New York?

For Workers' Compensation cases in New York, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker, but they must choose a doctor from a list of doctors certified by the state.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in New York

For further information about the Work Comp system in New York, the following links may be helpful:

- The New York Workers' Compensation State Website The New York Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in New York

North Carolina

Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in North Carolina?

For Workers' Compensation cases in North Carolina, the Doctor is chosen by the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in North Carolina

For further information about the Work Comp system in North Carolina, the following links may be helpful:

- The North Carolina Workers' Compensation State Website The North Carolina Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in North Carolina

North Dakota

For Workers' Compensation cases in North Dakota, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker, but the employer chooses the doctor for the first 30 days..

- The North Dakota Workers' Compensation State Website The North Dakota Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in North Dakota


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in North Dakota?

For Workers' Compensation cases in North Dakota, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker, but they must choose from a list of doctors certified by the state.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in North Dakota

For further information about the Work Comp system in North Dakota, the following links may be helpful:

- The Ohio Workers' Compensation State Website The Ohio Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Ohio


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Oklahoma?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Oklahoma, the Doctor is chosen by the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Oklahoma

For further information about the Work Comp system in Oklahoma, the following links may be helpful:

- The Oklahoma Workers' Compensation State Website - The Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Oklahoma


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Oregon?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Oregon, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker, but if the employer is part of a managed care plan, then the injured worker must choose a doctor from this plan, unless the doctor has previously treated them.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Oregon

For further information about the Work Comp system in Oregon, the following links may be helpful:

- The Oregon Workers' Compensation State Website - The Oregon Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Oregon


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Pennsylvania?

For Workers' Compensation cases in Pennsylvania, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker, but only after the first 90 days. Prior to that it is the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Pennsylvania

For further information about the Work Comp system in Pennsylvania, the following links may be helpful:

- The Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation State Website - The Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Pennsylvania

Rhode Island

Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Rhode Island

For Workers' Compensation cases in Rhode Island, the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Rhode Island

For further information about the Work Comp system in Rhode Island, the following links may be helpful:

- The Rhode Island Workers' Compensation State Website - The Rhode Island Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Rhode Island

South Carolina

Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in South Carolina

For Workers' Compensation cases in South Carolina, the Doctor is chosen by the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in South Carolina

For further information about the Work Comp system in South Carolina, the following links may be helpful:

- The South Carolina Workers' Compensation State Website - The South Carolina Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in South Carolina

South Dakota

Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in South Dakota

For Workers' Compensation cases in South Dakota the Doctor is chosen by the injured worker.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in South Dakota

For further information about the Work Comp system in South Dakota, the following links may be helpful:

- The South Dakota Workers' Compensation State Website - The South Dakota Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in South Dakota


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Tennessee

For Workers' Compensation cases in Tennessee, the Doctor is chosen is chosen by the injured worker, but from a panel of only 3 doctors (which are chosen by the employer).

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Tennessee

For further information about the Work Comp system in Tennessee, the following links may be helpful:

- The Tennessee Workers' Compensation State Website - The Tennessee Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Tennessee


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Texas

For Workers' Compensation cases in Texas, the Doctor is chosen is chosen by the injured worker, but they must choose them from a list of doctors certified by the state.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Texas

For further information about the Work Comp system in Texas, the following links may be helpful:

- The Texas Workers' Compensation State Website - The Texas Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Texas


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Utah

For Workers' Compensation cases in Utah, the Doctor is chosen is chosen by the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Utah

For further information about the Work Comp system in Utah, the following links may be helpful:

The Utah Workers' Compensation State Website - The Utah Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Utah


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Vermont

For Workers' Compensation cases in Vermont, the Doctor is chosen is chosen by the injured worker, however the first visit is a doctor selected by the employer.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Vermont

For further information about the Work Comp system in Vermont, the following links may be helpful:

- The Vermont Workers' Compensation State Website - The Vermont Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Vermont


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Virginia

For Workers' Compensation cases in Virginia, the Doctor is chosen is chosen by the injured worker, but they must select them from a panel provided by the employer.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Virginia

For further information about the Work Comp system in Virginia, the following links may be helpful:

- The Virginia Workers' Compensation State Website - The Virginia Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Virginia


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Washington

For Workers' Compensation cases in Washington, the Doctor is chosen is chosen by the injured worker.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Washington

For further information about the Work Comp system in Washington, the following links may be helpful:

- The Washington Workers' Compensation State Website - The Washington Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Washington

West Virginia

Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in West Virginia

For Workers' Compensation cases in West Virginia, the Doctor is chosen is chosen by the injured worker, but from a list provided by the employer or carrier.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in West Virginia

For further information about the Work Comp system in West Virginia, the following links may be helpful:

- The West Virginia Workers' Compensation State Website - The West Virginia Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in West Virginia


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Wisconsin

For Workers' Compensation cases in Wisconsin, the Doctor is chosen is chosen by the injured worker.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Wisconsin

For further information about the Work Comp system in Wisconsin, the following links may be helpful:

- The Wisconsin Workers' Compensation State Website - The Wisconsin Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule (there is no fee schedule for this state) - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Wisconsin


Who chooses the Doctor in a Workers' Compensation case in Wyoming

For Workers' Compensation cases in Wyoming, the Doctor is chosen is chosen by the injured worker.

Further information about Workers' Compensation in Wyoming

For further information about the Work Comp system in Wyoming, the following links may be helpful:

- The Wyoming Workers' Compensation State Website - The Wyoming Workers' Compensation Fee Schedule - Find Workers' Compensation Doctors in Wyoming

About Workers-Compensation-Doctors.com

Workers-Compensation-Doctors.com is a National Directory listing Doctors who accept Workman's Compensation patients.

The directory is used by Work Comp Adjusters, Nurse Case Managers, Attorneys, and Patients who are looking for Work Comp doctors.

If you are a Doctor, you may be interested in listing yourself in the directory or Workers' Compensation Marketing.

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DISCLAIMER: The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.


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